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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Blog: The Origins

You would expect this to be my first post, but it is not. But I am happy that I am writing it.

You see, back in the days, I was not a very tech savvy kid. In fact I did not even know how to use a search engine, properly. I also did not have an email until I was thirteen years old. And that was months after I began my life as a secondary school student. Thank you Nabil for teaching me how. Like I said it was only in secondary school that I was introduced to the wonder that was the internet and I was well into completing my first year of secondary education when I heard of these peculiar internet phenomenon called blogs.

To be honest with you, what this 'blog' was I never knew nor was I especially interested in it. But over time I started videos I started visiting my friends blogs and started finding out that they were rather like personal diaries. With the exception of not being so personal.

Then I started visiting blogs made and maintained by professionals, who shared their knowledge through their blogs.

So there I was inspired to create one for myself, however I never got around doing it for almost another year. The first two created (Oh boy, I cannot even remember their names) are lost blogs. They still do exist somewhere in cyberspace.

After creating my proper blog, last year, it was still not regularly used, in fact. Most of what my blog is happened this holidays.

So that is the story of how I became a blogger.

1 comment:

  1. Big fat hairy deal. :) I didn't have a phone until 2007, a real email until 2008, Facebook account I think 2009, and finally a blog in 2010. I expect I will leran how to put up videos in 2011 -_- unless you can instruct me how. How the heck do you even get photos up? 0.o
