
Welcome to Sheer Awesomeness

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The 20th of November was my school's graduation day. It is a day when my school commerates (yup, you guessed it) the graduation of the students in their final year. At first I did not give it much thought. I anticipated it to be another usual "prize giving ceremony" sort of thing. Maybe a guest of honour, a speech by the principal or the vice principal, the reception of certificates, and photos with friends.

Well to be honest with you. It WAS much as I expected it to be. Nothing too grand. There was a guest of honour, a Bedok View alumni who is currently a successful dentist. And of course we had a speech by Mdm Rao. She talked about friends and how it was important we carefully choose our friends. I believe she is right. You cannot just make friends just because they give you the upper edge. After that it was the prize giving ceremony.

I got two awards. The first one was the 'Colours' award which I got, ( as it said on the certificate) for my 'Outstanding contributions to NPCC [ National Police Cadet Corps]). I was proud to recieve it. Yes, several other got it with me, but it felt good. Npcc was one of the things in my secondary school that made my life there wonderful.

The next one was a certificate that everyone got. It was the graduation certificate. Again I went up on stage to get it, it was handed to me by my form teacher, Miss Joy Ho. Maybe this sounds cliche, but really, reality hit me at that point in time, when I was shaking hands with Miss Ho, I knew I would not see my Form/Physics teacher so often again, She is one of the few teachers, who I had known and interacted with throughout my secondary school life. I knew her as a teacher in Npcc in my first two years and as my form teacher, physics teacher and Npcc teacher in my final two years. Of course in this small island it is not hard to bump into someone you know, but hey what are the odds?

 Anyway I collected my certificate and headed back to my seat, handing my tie to Angie (Poh) along the way, Bryan also lent his tie to someone, but that is besides the point. The rest of the ceremony was... I honestly admit, was a bore. So Bryan, Miss Ho and I started talking about the future. We all talked about what we planned to study in our next steps of education. Bryan and I have similar ambitions, we both want to engineers. 

Anyway we talked to Miss Ho about it and I talked of how I wanted to get into MIT and how I wanted to start my own company.

Oh yes, very important point, the overall best student award was won by Joshua, yes Joshua Maximilian Hendrojuwono, I am very proud of that guy, he is probably the most hard working and meticulous person I have ever seen.

I am obliged to mention that Adli from 4E3 also won that award.

After the ceremony was over we ended it by throwing our ties in the air ( Bryan and I just pretended, we did not have our ties with us after all). After that we all took photos with our friend and teachers. 

After that we went down to have some refreshments, once again provided by the girl guides. Then it is worth mentioning that Mrs Cheong was very excited to meet my mother, they spoke about me for a while and then we (Mrs Cheong, my mum and I) took a  photo together. That was pretty much all, My mum and I left by cab after that, since it was raining.

Bedok View Secondary School has been a integral point of my life, without this school. I may not be the person I am today. I will never forget this wonderful institution. It will always be my school. Once a Bedok Viewan, always a Bedok Viewan.

Thank You Bedok View

Signing off as a proud Bedok Viewan.


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