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Monday, May 19, 2014

Cycling at ECP

I know! What a boring title for a blog post, right?

Well no, When most of your days are spent in and around your house, you learn to greatly appreciate things like a bit of biking fun at ECP. Swee Yik was the one who had suggested it. I did not know whether I should go or not, since I had to bring my mum for an medical appointment that day, but since the appointment was in the morning and the cycling later in the day, I agreed to it. And besides, my somewhat new bicycle was getting more action at a clothing stand than as a bicycle.

It was the first time I cycled all the way from my house to ECP, I met Swee Yik along the way and we cycled  there together, sharing the lead because none of us really knew how to get there. After a mistake I made that would have led us to the highway, we finally were on the right path and took an underpass to the beach. From there we cycled all the way to the end of Bedok Jetty, where we parked our bikes and just talked about the random things although most of it was centered on our NS and post NS lifes. It is almost the same thing we talk about whenever we meet, but then again, it is currently a big part of our lives that it warrant such lengthy and monotonous conversations.

We spent about ten minutes at Bedok Jetty, after which, Swee Yik decided he wanted to get ice cream and we cycled to a nearby ice cream parlour. Then we made our way home, on which we saw Mitchell, who, because of some classes could not join us, afterwards we parted ways and I finally got my phone a case and a screen protector.

It was a very short cycling session, but it was great in that it reminded me of all the fun things that can be done with little to no preparation, such as cycling along the beach, sometimes we are so absorbed into our own little selfish world that we forget to see the larger picture and the passive vastness of life around us. It is, sadly, something that most of us are guilty of.

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