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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Review: The Hunger Games Trilogy

So I just finished reading the The Hunger Games trilogy a couple of days back. I'll admit, I was hesitant to pick up the series at the start, even though it was widely praised and got great reviews. But eventually I picked it up. Mostly because several people at camp started reading it and Mitchell (great guy with lots of good books and a generous heart) decided to lend it to me. So I borrowed the books one by one, read them (mostly at camp) and then got the next one until I was done with the series. The whole process took about two to three weeks. I did not really keep track, although I was not really reading all the time, to be honest the books are quite a quick read, so if you read them religiously and back to back, you should be done in a few days.

Personally, I liked the first person narrative of the series, it is somehow makes the story more intimate, in fact I developed a love-hate relationship with Katniss by the end of the story.  The writing  can be described as sharp and tightly woven. You basically read the story as though it is a running commentary by Katniss of the events that transpire. Sometimes, it comes off as curt and pushy, but that its what I like about it - it keeps you on edge. There is also extensive use of cliffhangers, in fact, almost every chapter ends in one.


The first book of the series, and in a lot of ways the most important one. Has to impress the readers, so that they will read the other two, or rather, has to impress the editor/publisher so that they will publish the other two. I liked this book. The first person narrative was what I noticed mostly of all and Katniss's rude and rather bleak 'voice' added a nice touch to narrative as a whole. This book was mostly about the hunger games itself, the process leading up to it, the actual games and a bit of the after party, of sorts. This book was fast paced and kept me on the edge of my seat and for reasons I will explain later, the best book of the series. Also, Go Peeta!


Catching Fire started out well, detailing the aftermath of the hunger games, and how Peeta and Katniss were adjusting to their new lifestyle. It was pretty exciting, especially the arising tension between President Snow and Katniss. The hunger games in that book was kind of surprising really, did not really expect it. But it was really well written, I really enjoyed reading that part. More characters were introduced and the character development was solid. Then again, another twist, when they get rescued by the rebels.


Mockingjay seemed promising, finally, the focus was not the hunger games but the rebel campaign. it was really action packed and full of twist and turns. The plot was good and I was expecting more, but alas, it ended too suddenly. I don't know what happened. It just ended like it was dropped off a cliff. It  left a bad aftertaste. I was so hesitant to start this series and when I did, I was hooked because it was so good in the first two books. Even the third one was good until the end. I would still recommend people to read it. The writing is good and unique still.


Monday, May 19, 2014

Cycling at ECP

I know! What a boring title for a blog post, right?

Well no, When most of your days are spent in and around your house, you learn to greatly appreciate things like a bit of biking fun at ECP. Swee Yik was the one who had suggested it. I did not know whether I should go or not, since I had to bring my mum for an medical appointment that day, but since the appointment was in the morning and the cycling later in the day, I agreed to it. And besides, my somewhat new bicycle was getting more action at a clothing stand than as a bicycle.

It was the first time I cycled all the way from my house to ECP, I met Swee Yik along the way and we cycled  there together, sharing the lead because none of us really knew how to get there. After a mistake I made that would have led us to the highway, we finally were on the right path and took an underpass to the beach. From there we cycled all the way to the end of Bedok Jetty, where we parked our bikes and just talked about the random things although most of it was centered on our NS and post NS lifes. It is almost the same thing we talk about whenever we meet, but then again, it is currently a big part of our lives that it warrant such lengthy and monotonous conversations.

We spent about ten minutes at Bedok Jetty, after which, Swee Yik decided he wanted to get ice cream and we cycled to a nearby ice cream parlour. Then we made our way home, on which we saw Mitchell, who, because of some classes could not join us, afterwards we parted ways and I finally got my phone a case and a screen protector.

It was a very short cycling session, but it was great in that it reminded me of all the fun things that can be done with little to no preparation, such as cycling along the beach, sometimes we are so absorbed into our own little selfish world that we forget to see the larger picture and the passive vastness of life around us. It is, sadly, something that most of us are guilty of.

Friday, May 16, 2014


  I went to watch Godzilla today, mostly because I was very excited about it, the trailers that have been released over the past few months had completely won me over and I could not wait when I found out they were released in Singapore. It was a rush but I managed to get tickets at Shaw Century, the seats were not bad too.

  To be honest, I had wild expectations about the movie. In fact I was borderline obsessive, I would refresh ImDB everyday and got really excited when I saw the rating climb as high as 9.3/10. Although it would be short lived.

  As I sat through the Transformers trailer that preceded the movie, I kind of went blank. To be frank, I had spoiled myself on some major plot details such as the presence of the MUTOs. But overall the my expectations just before the movie started were almost reduced to zero, except a tingling feeling inside me that said that it was going to be a good one.

  The movie started off slow, as it is with most monster-disaster movies, this did not overly concern me, as in a two hour long movie, they cannot dump everything in the beginning. However the plot development was spot on from the start, there was no overly boring moments, even the ‘normal’ and ‘human’ side was tense and kept people guessing. However they got into the action quite quickly, showing the first MUTO quite early on and the destruction it wrecked on Japan and Hawaii.

  Godzilla seems to be rather a shy guy in this film, the first few shots of him do not show anything much, except for a full body shot early on and a killer roar, just to let people know that he means business. The first few battle scene between Godzilla and the male MUTO are rather, for the lack of a better word, boring. They were shown in bits and pieces and were not very visually pleasing. However as the movies goes on the battles build up in intensity and visual effects until the huge payoff at the end.

  The movie is a visual spectacle, the visual effects are amazing, even among films of this century.  The battle scene were especially well done. However, I felt the fights were not ‘big’ enough. Don’t get me wrong, they were good, but I felt they were too short and had little depth. And the build up was slightly inconsistent. Unlike most movies, this movie might have benefitted being a bit longer.

  The ratings of the movie have steadily declined, this I expected. With this kind of movie it is hard to have a polarized opinion. People will inevitably like different things. I personally liked this movie, although it did fall short of my expectations, albeit they were insane.

My Rating: 7/10