
Welcome to Sheer Awesomeness

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I am back to blog after nearly a month and half long hiatus. Anyway, during  this time, I went to India. Visited my relatives and came back to Singapore on the 6th of January 2011 at 10.55pm (Singapore Time). We (my parents and I ) brought my paternal grandfather with us when we returned. Any the days since then have been rather boring. I am mostly on the internet surfing the net. I must say that I am really bored at home. I do not go out much and just move around within my house and just laze around. I should really start go out more and I should start working out. I need to develop all seven of my intelligences. And I am going to. Recently I have this sudden interest in Mathematics and have this feeling to become the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge. ( I dreamt about it)
And by the way, the word ‘dreamt’ is the only word in the English language to end with the letters ‘mt’.
This post just started the ball rolling.

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