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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sending off Naps

Hello, I am back to blog after a eight day hiatus. Well honestly, I do have a list of topics to blog about, but lets just say that I am a bit lazy to do all that.

So anyway lets get back to what I wanted to blog about. Last Tuesday, the 30th of November. I sent off my friend, Napittha at the airport. She was leaving for her home country, Thailand. That was the first time that I saw off someone at the airport. But anyway this was how the day started. Naps was also the first friend who had the sincerity to personally call me up and tell me that she was leaving the country. It really made me very happy. She could have texted me or could have just told me on Facebook. But she called. Thanks Naps.

Due to my " After O'levels sleep patterns" I regularly go to sleep at four in the morning and wake up at twelve to one in the afternoon. Anyway that certain day. I woke up at around twelve noon. I was making myself coffee when my phone rang. I saw that it was Napittha. I thought it was rather odd, I mean, there was no particular reason, why she would be calling me at the certain point in time. So anyway, I answered the call. It was Napittha. She basically told me that she was leaving for Thailand later in that day. She told me to take care and to not to let anyone take advantage of me and things like that. So here is what she said, more or less.

"Hey Bhalaji, I am leaving for Thailand today. Take care of yourself, and don't let others take advantage of you. Be strong and more independent And stop being so nice to everyone. in that day. She told me to take care and to not to let anyone take advantage of me and things like that. So here is what she said, more or less"

Well, that was not verbatim, but it is close enough. I decided that I should send her off.

So I prepared to go to the airport, she said she would arrive at the airport at around 4.30pm, so I left my house at around 3.45. If did not take me very long to reach the airport. I live quite near it in fact, I reached the airport at around 4.20pm. I called Napittha, and found out she was still on the way to the airport. To kill time, I went of the 'Hudson News' bookshop. I was browsing through some books there and just walking around the store, when I got a call from Napittha, however the person on the phone was Nadhirah. She told me to come to check in row 9 (if my memory serves me correctly)

So yes, I went to the check in row, Napittha, Nadhirah, and Sou Young were there. The first one to notice me was Nadhirah. So it was just hi and all that. Naps had bit of a check in problem. Anyway, after sorting it out (during which Nad was showing me tips and tricks on my iPhone).

Shortly Mayer and Linus arrived ( I had to get Mayer's number from Mitchell). So anyway, after everyone, had arrived, we all went down to McDonald's to chat and have a drink.

But most of us just chatted. Some got meals or drinks but I just chatted with Nad (again mostly about the iPhone) and also helped Nad, Naps and Sou Young take pictures together. After that, we all just headed up to again chat and to take pictures together.

After a short while, Mayer, Linus and the others (I am not so familiar with them). The only ones remaining were, Napittha, Nadhirah, Sou Young, Napittha's Guardian and I.

We asked Naps whether she would be coming back to collect her results in January. She, (to my huge surprise) said maybe. I was like "MAYBE? what maybe, don't you have to be here to get your results."

I don't know really, maybe she can have her results mailed over or something. But they should not matter too much to her. She has already secured a place in The Chulalongkron University, (Yes it is spelt correctly, I made sure of that). I feel really happy for her, (and also a bit jealous, but hey)

So soon after, we all were waiting for Syahirah (I really don't know if I spelt her name correctly) so anyway. She came, eventually, after a long wait. After that it was time for Naps to go into the Terminal to board the plane. After exchanging hugs, and more photos. (Gosh, do girls take a lot of photos). Naps then went into the terminal. After that Sou Young left. And quite to my surprise. Nad started tearing up. Guess she is going to miss Naps a whole lot. Anyway, after that I just went home.

These two(Naps and Nad), were actually quite unexpected friends, Here is why...

You see, now Nad and Naps are like my two homies, but we were not really good friends until like the beginning of this year. I sat beside, Naps and Nad at the beginning of the year. But then, one month into the seating arrangement. I ended up in between them, for reason that I will not say here. So I was like the bridge between those two. And also, I constantly shared my textbooks with them, since well; I was the one who actually bothered to bring the textbooks to class. We had a lot of fun, I covered for Naps when she fell asleep or for NadNad, falling asleep a few times, for Naps however it was on a daily basis.). We also copied homework for each other. And I learnt a bit about filing from those two. Ahh, such great friends.

(You realise I use short forms of my friends names sometimes, I am sorry if I confused you with that.)